Volcano plots to two different libraries

This script creates a volcanoplot to show the significance of fold change between two datasets.It is based on this website: - https://towardsdatascience.com/inferential-statistics-series-t-test-using-numpy-2718f8f9bf2f - https://www.statisticshowto.com/independent-samples-t-test/

Code for showing gene name when hovering over datapoint is based on: - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7908636/possible-to-make-labels-appear-when-hovering-over-a-point-in-matplotlib

T-test is measuring the number of standard deviations our measured mean is from the baseline mean, while taking into account that the standard deviation of the mean can change as we get more data. Look here for more information:

How to use the code in the same script

if __name__ == '__main__':
    volcano_df = volcano(path_a=path_a, filelist_a=filelist_a,
            path_b=path_b, filelist_b=filelist_b,