Building the Docker image

Building the Docker image


This documentation is for developers, users do not need to build docker images.

The SATAY Docker container is built from the Dockerfile. The Dockerfile uses the following general commands

  1. The SATAY docker image uses continuumio/miniconda3 as a base image.

  2. Install ubuntu packages

    • yad: required to run the GUI

    • xdg-utils, gedit, dbus-x11: required to open text files

    • evince: pdf viewer

  3. Download and install all dependencies with conda from environment.yml

  4. Copy all required code into the image

  5. pip install the transposonmapper package

  6. Define environment variables

  7. Set /data as the default directory

To build and test a docker image locally on your computer, run the following command

docker build . -t satay

Note: You dont need to upload the image to dockerHub. The continuous integration workflow on Github will do this automatically upon new release.

For more information about building Docker images, see the Docker reference documentation

Continuous integration

The Docker image is automatically built and uploaded to DockerHub through a GitHub Action whenever a new version is released.