Hello there πŸ˜„ Welcome to this Jupyter Book instance to document our data processing pipeline to analyze data from the technique : Saturated Transposition Analysis in Yeast.

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Status of the projectΒΆ

Next stepsΒΆ

Publication in JOSS ✍

Make the software package ready to be published in Journal of Open Source Software

Reproducible data analysis πŸš€

Reproducible data analysis through a configuration file.

  • e.g. Make a manifest (docker compose)

Multiple files analysis 🎁

Allow multiple files to be processed at once using a for-loop in the bash script. Currently only one dataset at the time can be processed, but this can be extended to allow a series of datasets to be processed in a for-loop.

Learn more and get involved

πŸ’‘ Open an issue

We track enhancement requests, bug-reports, and to-do items via GitHub issues.

πŸ™Œ Send a pull request

We appreciate that contributors send a pull request to improve the code base or introduce a new feature.

Software LicenseΒΆ

  • License

  • This work is licensed under Apache 2.0 . The 2.0 version of the Apache License, approved by the ASF in 2004, helps us achieve our goal of providing reliable and long-lived software products through collaborative open source software development.

Current ContactΒΆ

Acknowledgements πŸ’™ΒΆ

  • Many thanks to the group of Prof. Benoit Kornmann , in particular to Prof. Agnes Michel , for all the nice discussions and colaboration with our team. Also thanks to them due to the SATAY forum they keep on running for all the community of satayers πŸŽ‰ .

  • Many thanks to the DCC department at TU Delft, specially to Maurits Kok who in his role of Research Software Engineer has supported us in developing the software package to be distributed to the scientific community.