Source code for transposonmapper.processing.dna_features_helpers

import os
import pkg_resources
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd 
from transposonmapper.utils import chromosomename_roman_to_arabic
from transposonmapper.importing import load_default_files,load_sgd_tab
from import list_gene_names , gene_position, gene_aliases,chromosome_position
from transposonmapper.processing import chromosome_name_wigfile
from transposonmapper.processing.read_sgdfeatures import sgd_features   

[docs]def input_region(region,verbose): """Defines the region of interest for further processing Parameters ---------- region : str, int or list Enter chromosome as a number (or roman numeral) between 1 and 16 (I and XVI), a list in the form ['chromosome number, start_position, end_position'] or a valid gene name. verbose : bool To allow warning messages. Returns ------- roi_start : NoneType, int Describe the start of the genomic location if region=gene name , otherwise is a NoneType roi_end : NoneType, int Describe the end of the genomic location if region=gene name , otherwise is a NoneType region_type: str It is either "Gene" or "Chromosome" depending on the region provided chrom: str It is the name of the chromosome of the gene of interest if a gene name is provided as the region, otherwise is the roman description of the chromosome of interest. """ gff_file,_,gene_information_file=load_default_files() warningmessage = "WARNING: Specified chromosome or gene name not found. Enter chromosome as a number (or roman numeral) between 1 and 16 (I and XVI), a list in the form ['chromosome number, start_position, end_position'] or a valid gene name." if verbose == True: print('Selected region: ', region) if type(region) == str: if region.upper() in chromosomename_roman_to_arabic()[1]: chrom = region.upper() roi_start = None roi_end = None region_type = 'Chromosome' elif region.upper() in list_gene_names(gene_information_file): gene_pos_dict = gene_position(gff_file) region = region.upper() region_type='Gene' if region in gene_pos_dict: region_pos = gene_pos_dict.get(region) chrom = region_pos[0] roi_start = int(region_pos[1]) roi_end = int(region_pos[2]) else: gene_alias_dict = gene_aliases(gene_information_file)[0] region_alias = [key for key, val in gene_alias_dict.items() if region in val] if not region_alias == [] and region_alias[0] in gene_pos_dict: region_pos = gene_pos_dict.get(region_alias[0]) chrom = region_pos[0] roi_start = int(region_pos[1])-100 roi_end = int(region_pos[2])+100 else: print(warningmessage) return() else: print(warningmessage) return() elif type(region) == list: if type(region[0]) == str: chrom = region[0].upper() elif type(region[0]) == int: if region[0] in chromosomename_roman_to_arabic()[0]: chrom = chromosomename_roman_to_arabic()[0].get(region[0]) else: print(warningmessage) return() roi_start = region[1] roi_end = region[2] region_type = 'Chromosome' elif type(region) == int: if region in chromosomename_roman_to_arabic()[0]: chrom = chromosomename_roman_to_arabic()[0].get(region) roi_start = None roi_end = None else: print(warningmessage) return() region_type = 'Chromosome' else: print(warningmessage) return() return roi_start,roi_end,region_type,chrom
[docs]def read_wig_file(wig_file,chrom): """Extract the information in the wigfile related to the chromosome of interested Parameters ---------- wig_file : str absolute path of the wigfile location chrom : str Name of the chromosome in roman where to extract the informatiion from the wigfile Returns ------- insrt_in_chrom_list : list Genomic locations of transposon insertions in the given chromosome. reads_in_chrom_list: list How many reads are in each of the genomic locations of the insertions. """ with open(wig_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() chrom_start_line_dict, chrom_end_line_dict = chromosome_name_wigfile(lines)[1:] insrt_in_chrom_list = [] reads_in_chrom_list = [] for l in lines[chrom_start_line_dict.get(chrom):chrom_end_line_dict.get(chrom)]: insrt_in_chrom_list.append(int(l.strip('\n').split(' ')[0])) reads_in_chrom_list.append(int(l.strip('\n').split(' ')[1])) return insrt_in_chrom_list,reads_in_chrom_list
[docs]def read_pergene_file(pergene_insertions_file,chrom): """Reading the pergene file , the information per gene , related to where it starts and ends in the genome. Parameters ---------- pergene_insertions_file : str absolute path of the per gene file location chrom : str Name of the chromosome in roman where to extract the informatiion from the wigfile Returns ------- gene_position_dict : dict A dictionary describing the chromosome, start, and end location of every gene in the chromosome of interest. """ with open(pergene_insertions_file) as f: lines = f.readlines() gene_position_dict = {} for line in lines[1:]: line_split = line.strip('\n').split('\t') if line_split[1] == chrom: genename = line_split[0] gene_chrom = line_split[1] gene_start = int(line_split[2]) gene_end = int(line_split[3]) gene_position_dict[genename] = [gene_chrom, gene_start, gene_end] #DICT CONTAINING ALL GENES WITHIN THE DEFINED CHROMOSOME INCLUDING ITS START AND END POSITION geneinserts_str = line_split[4].strip('[]') if not geneinserts_str == '': geneinserts_list = [int(ins) for ins in geneinserts_str.split(',')] else: geneinserts_list = [] genereads_str = line_split[5].strip('[]') if not genereads_str == '': genereads_list = [int(read) for read in genereads_str.split(',')] else: genereads_list = [] if len(geneinserts_list) != len(genereads_list): print('WARNING: %s has different number of reads compared with the number of inserts' % genename ) return gene_position_dict
[docs]def gene_location(chrom,gene_position_dict,verbose): """It gives structured information from the genes inside the chromosome of interest Parameters ---------- chrom : str Name of the chromosome in roman where to extract the information. gene_position_dict : dict Dictionary with info of the genes inside the chromosome . It is the output of the function read_pergene_file verbose : bool Same as main function dna_features. If True allows for warning messages. Returns ------- dna_dict: dict Dictionary with info about genes encoded in the sgd features file start_ch : int Integer indicating the genomic location of where the chromosome of interest starts end_chr: int Integer indicating the genomic location of where the chromosome of interest ends len_chr: int Length of the chromosome of interest feature_orf_dict: dict Dictionary with info about genes in the chromosome of interest """ gff_file,_,gene_information_file=load_default_files() sgd_features_file=load_sgd_tab() len_chr = chromosome_position(gff_file)[0].get(chrom) start_chr = chromosome_position(gff_file)[1].get(chrom) end_chr = chromosome_position(gff_file)[2].get(chrom) if verbose == True: print('Chromosome length = ', len_chr) dna_dict = {} #for each bp in chromosome, determine whether it belongs to a noncoding or coding region for bp in range(start_chr, end_chr + 1): #initialize dna_dict with all basepair positions as ['noncoding', None] dna_dict[bp] = ['noncoding', None] #form is: ['element_name', 'type'] feature_orf_dict = sgd_features(sgd_features_file)[1] gene_alias_dict = gene_aliases(gene_information_file)[0] for gene in gene_position_dict: if gene in feature_orf_dict: if (not gene.endswith("-A") and not feature_orf_dict.get(gene)[1] == 'Verified') and (not gene.endswith("-B") and not feature_orf_dict.get(gene)[1] == 'Verified'): for bp in range(gene_position_dict.get(gene)[1]+start_chr, gene_position_dict.get(gene)[2]+start_chr+1): dna_dict[bp] = [gene, "Gene; "+feature_orf_dict.get(gene)[1]] else: gene_alias = [key for key, val in gene_alias_dict.items() if gene in val][0] for bp in range(gene_position_dict.get(gene)[1]+start_chr, gene_position_dict.get(gene)[2]+start_chr+1): dna_dict[bp] = [gene_alias, "Gene; "+feature_orf_dict.get(gene_alias)[1]] return dna_dict,start_chr,end_chr,len_chr,feature_orf_dict
[docs]def feature_position(feature_dict, chrom, start_chr, dna_dict, feature_type=None): """ Get features for every gene in the chromosome of interest Parameters ---------- feature_dict : dict output of sgd_features(sgd_features_file)[i] chrom : str Name of the chromosome in roman where to extract the information. start_chr : int [description] dna_dict : dict first output of the gene_location function feature_type : [type], optional [description], by default None Returns ------- dict """ position_dict = {} for feat in feature_dict: if feature_dict.get(feat)[5] == chrom: # if feat.startswith("TEL") and feat.endswith('L'): #correct for the fact that telomeres at the end of a chromosome are stored in the reverse order. if int(feature_dict.get(feat)[6]) > int(feature_dict.get(feat)[7]): position_dict[feat] = [feature_dict.get(feat)[5], feature_dict.get(feat)[7], feature_dict.get(feat)[6]] else: position_dict[feat] = [feature_dict.get(feat)[5], feature_dict.get(feat)[6], feature_dict.get(feat)[7]] for feat in position_dict: for bp in range(int(position_dict.get(feat)[1])+start_chr, int(position_dict.get(feat)[2])+start_chr): if bp in dna_dict: if dna_dict[bp] == ['noncoding', None]: dna_dict[bp] = [feat, feature_type] else: dna_dict[bp]=[feat, feature_type] return(dna_dict)
[docs]def intergenic_regions(chrom,start_chr,dna_dict): """Getting intergenic regions from chromosome of interest Parameters ---------- chrom : str Name of the chromosome in roman where to extract the information. start_chr : int 2nd output of the gene_location function dna_dict : dict 1st output of the gene_location function Returns ------- dna_dict_new : dict genomicregions_list: list """ sgd_features_file=load_sgd_tab() ## GET FEATURES FROM INTERGENIC REGIONS genomicregions_list = sgd_features(sgd_features_file)[0] i = 2 for genomicregion in genomicregions_list[1:]: dna_dict_new = feature_position(sgd_features(sgd_features_file)[i], chrom, start_chr, dna_dict, genomicregion) i += 1 return dna_dict_new,genomicregions_list
[docs]def checking_features(feature_orf_dict,chrom,gene_position_dict,verbose): """ Checking input values Parameters ---------- feature_orf_dict : dict last output of the gene_location function chrom : str Name of the chromosome in roman where to extract the information. gene_position_dict : dict output of the read_pergene_file function verbose : bool If True it allows for warning messages """ ### TEST IF ELEMENTS IN FEATURE_ORF_DICT FOR SELECTED CHROMOSOME ARE THE SAME AS THE GENES IN GENE_POSITION_DICT BY CREATING THE DICTIONARY FEATURE_POSITION_DICT CONTAINING ALL THE GENES IN FEATURE_ORF_DICT WITH THEIR CORRESPONDING POSITION IN THE CHROMOSOME _,_,gene_information_file=load_default_files() gene_alias_dict = gene_aliases(gene_information_file)[0] orf_position_dict = {} for feature in feature_orf_dict: if feature_orf_dict.get(feature)[5] == chrom: if feature in gene_position_dict: orf_position_dict[feature] = [feature_orf_dict.get(feature)[6], feature_orf_dict.get(feature)[7]] else: for feature_alias in gene_alias_dict.get(feature): if feature_alias in gene_position_dict: orf_position_dict[feature_alias] = [feature_orf_dict.get(feature)[6], feature_orf_dict.get(feature)[7]] if sorted(orf_position_dict) == sorted(gene_position_dict): if verbose == True: print('Everything alright, just ignore me!') else: print('WARNING: Genes in feature_list are not the same as the genes in the gene_position_dict. Please check!')
[docs]def build_dataframe(dna_dict,start_chr,end_chr,insrt_in_chrom_list,reads_in_chrom_list,genomicregions_list,chrom): """Main function that build the big dataframe with all genes characteristics Parameters ---------- dna_dict : dict 1st output of the function intergenic_regions start_chr : int 2nd output of the function gene_location end_chr : int 3rd output of the function gene_location insrt_in_chrom_list : list 1st output of the function read_wig_file reads_in_chrom_list : list 2nd output of the function read_wig_file genomicregions_list : list All the annotated genomic regions, 2nd output of the intergenic_regions function chrom : str Name of the chromosome in roman where to extract the information. Returns ------- dataframe - dna_df2: Dataframe containing information about the selected chromosome. This includes the following columns: - Feature name - Standard name of the feature - Aliases of feature name (if any) - Feature type (e.g. gene, telomere, centromere, etc. If None, this region is not defined) - Chromosome - Position of feature type in terms of bp relative to chromosome. - Length of region in terms of basepairs - Number of insertions in region - Number of insertions in truncated region where truncated region is the region without the first and last 100bp. - Number of reads in region - Number of reads in truncated region. - Number of reads per insertion (defined by Nreads/Ninsertions) - Number of reads per insertion in truncated region (defined by Nreads_truncatedgene/Ninsertions_truncatedgene) NOTE: truncated regions are only determined for genes. For the other regions the truncated region values are the same as the non-truncated region values. """ _,essentials_file,gene_information_file=load_default_files() ## DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF TRANSPOSONS PER BP FOR EACH FEATURE reads_loc_list = [0] * len(dna_dict) # CONTAINS ALL READS JUST LIKE READS_IN_CHROM_LIST, BUT THIS LIST HAS THE SAME LENGTH AS THE NUMBER OF BP IN THE CHROMOSOME WHERE THE LOCATIONS WITH NO READS ARE FILLED WITH ZEROS i = 0 for ins in insrt_in_chrom_list: if len(reads_loc_list) > ins-1: # there are some insertions outside the chromosome that gives an error reads_loc_list[ins-1] = reads_in_chrom_list[i] i += 1 feature_NameAndType_list = [] f_previous = dna_dict.get(start_chr)[0] f_type = dna_dict.get(start_chr)[1] N_reads = [] N_reads_list_true=[] N_reads_list = [] N_reads_truncatedgene_list = [] N_insrt_truncatedgene_list = [] N_insrt_list = [] N_bp = 1 N_bp_list = [] f_start = 0 f_end = 0 f_pos_list = [] i = 0 for bp in dna_dict: f_current = dna_dict.get(bp)[0] if f_current == f_previous: f_type = dna_dict.get(bp)[1] f_end += 1 N_bp += 1 N_reads.append(reads_loc_list[i]) elif (f_current != f_previous or (i+start_chr) == end_chr):# and not f_current.endswith('-A'): feature_NameAndType_list.append([f_previous, f_type]) N_reads_list.append(sum(N_reads)) N_reads_list_true.append(np.array(N_reads,dtype=float)) N_insrt_list.append(len([ins for ins in N_reads if not ins == 0])) if not f_type == None and f_type.startswith('Gene'): N10percent = int(len(N_reads) * 0.1) #TRUNCATED GENE DEFINITION 100 N_reads_truncatedgene_list.append(sum(N_reads[N10percent:-N10percent])) N_insrt_truncatedgene_list.append(len([ins for ins in N_reads[N10percent:-N10percent] if not ins == 0])) else: N_reads_truncatedgene_list.append(sum(N_reads)) N_insrt_truncatedgene_list.append(len([ins for ins in N_reads if not ins == 0])) N_bp_list.append(N_bp) N_reads = [] N_bp = 1 f_pos_list.append([f_start, f_end+f_start]) f_start = f_start + f_end + 1 f_end = 0 f_previous = f_current i += 1 N_reads_per_ins_list = [] N_reads_per_ins_truncatedgene_list = [] for i in range(len(N_reads_list)): if N_insrt_list[i] < 5: # upper bound of low number of transposons N_reads_per_ins_list.append(0) N_reads_per_ins_truncatedgene_list.append(0) elif N_insrt_truncatedgene_list[i] < 5: N_reads_per_ins_list.append(N_reads_list[i]/(N_insrt_list[i]-1)) N_reads_per_ins_truncatedgene_list.append(0) else: N_reads_per_ins_list.append(N_reads_list[i]/(N_insrt_list[i]-1)) N_reads_per_ins_truncatedgene_list.append(N_reads_truncatedgene_list[i]/N_insrt_truncatedgene_list[i]) #############get all essential genes together with their aliases############## with open(essentials_file, 'r') as f: essentials_temp_list = f.readlines()[1:] essentials_list = [essential.strip('\n') for essential in essentials_temp_list] del essentials_temp_list gene_alias_dict = gene_aliases(gene_information_file)[0] for key, val in gene_alias_dict.items(): if key in essentials_list: for alias in val: essentials_list.append(alias) #ADD essentiality_list = [] for feature in feature_NameAndType_list: if not feature[0] == "noncoding": if feature[1] in genomicregions_list: essentiality_list.append(None) elif feature[0] in essentials_list: essentiality_list.append(True) else: essentiality_list.append(False) else: essentiality_list.append(None) feature_name_list = [] feature_type_list = [] feature_alias_list = [] feature_standardname_list = [] for feature_name in feature_NameAndType_list: feature_name_list.append(feature_name[0]) feature_type_list.append(feature_name[1]) if feature_name[1] != None and feature_name[1].startswith('Gene') and feature_name[0] in gene_alias_dict: if gene_alias_dict.get(feature_name[0])[0] == feature_name[0]: feature_standardname_list.append(feature_name[0]) feature_alias_list.append('') else: if len(gene_alias_dict.get(feature_name[0])) > 1: feature_standardname_list.append(gene_alias_dict.get(feature_name[0])[0]) feature_alias_list.append(gene_alias_dict.get(feature_name[0])[1:]) else: feature_standardname_list.append(gene_alias_dict.get(feature_name[0])[0]) feature_alias_list.append('') else: feature_standardname_list.append(feature_name[0]) feature_alias_list.append('') all_features = {'Feature_name': feature_name_list, 'Standard_name': feature_standardname_list, 'Feature_alias':feature_alias_list, 'Feature_type': feature_type_list, 'Essentiality': essentiality_list, 'Chromosome': [chrom]*len(feature_name_list), 'Position': f_pos_list, 'Nbasepairs':N_bp_list, 'Ninsertions':N_insrt_list, 'Ninsertions_truncatedgene':N_insrt_truncatedgene_list, 'Nreads':N_reads_list, 'Nreads_list': N_reads_list_true, 'Nreads_truncatedgene':N_reads_truncatedgene_list, 'Nreadsperinsrt':N_reads_per_ins_list, 'Nreadsperinsrt_truncatedgene':N_reads_per_ins_truncatedgene_list} dna_df2 = pd.DataFrame(all_features, columns = [column_name for column_name in all_features]) #search for feature using: dna_df2.loc[dna_df2['Feature'] == 'CDC42'] #CREATE NEW COLUMN WITH ALL DOMAINS OF THE GENE (IF PRESENT) AND ANOTHER COLUMN THAT INCLUDES LISTS OF THE BP POSITIONS OF THESE DOMAINS return dna_df2