Source code for

import os
import pkg_resources

[docs]def list_gene_names(gene_information_file=None): """Create a list of all known gene names and their aliases as listed on SGD (or as provided as an optional input file) Input is a standard file downloaded from Output is list of all genes, which also includes all the aliases (if they exists). Parameters ---------- gene_information_file : str, optional Input is a standard file downloaded from, by default None Returns ------- list Output is list of all genes, which also includes all the aliases (if they exists). """ if gene_information_file == None: default_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename("transposonmapper", "data_files/") gene_information_file = os.path.join( default_path, "Yeast_Protein_Names.txt" ) gene_name_list = [] # INLCUDES ALL GENE NAMES AND POTENTIAL ALIASES gene_oln_list = [] # INCLUDE ONLY THE OLN NAMING CONVENTION gene_sgd_list = [] # INCLUDE THE FIRST DESIGNATION NAME THAT IS IN THE INPUT LIST gene_counter = 0 with open(gene_information_file) as f: lines = f.readlines() for i in range( 58, len(lines) - 6 ): # THE GENES START AT LINE 58 AND STOP 6 LINES BEFORE THE END OF THE FILE. n = 0 l = lines[i] extra_columns = l.count( ";" ) # COUNT HOW MANY TIMES ';' OCCURS IN A LINE. THIS IS NEEDED TO GET THE RIGHT COLUMNS AS SOMETIMES ALIASES OF GENES ARE PRESENTED IN EXTRA COLUMNS l_short = " ".join(l.split()) l_list = l_short.split(" ") gene_name_list.append(l_list[0].strip(";")) gene_sgd_list.append(l_list[0].strip(";")) gene_oln = l_list[1 + extra_columns].strip(";") # GET THE OLN NAME if ( gene_oln == "GAG" or gene_oln == "POL" ): # CHECK WHETHER THE OLN IS 'GAG' OR 'POL'. IF YES, TAKE THE NEXT COLUMN gene_name_list.append(l_list[2 + extra_columns].strip(";")) gene_oln_list.append(l_list[2 + extra_columns].strip(";")) else: gene_name_list.append(gene_oln) gene_oln_list.append(gene_oln) if ( l_list[1 + extra_columns] == "GAG" or l_list[1 + extra_columns] == "POL" ): # THESE ARE SEQUENCES THAT SOMETIMES OCCUR WHICH HAVE TO BE IGNORED. extra_columns = extra_columns + 1 if extra_columns > 0: for n in range(extra_columns): gene_name = l_list[1 + n].strip(";") if not gene_name == "GAG" and not gene_name == "POL": gene_name_list.append(gene_name) gene_counter += 1 ###SAVING OLN LIST # from datetime import date # current_date = # oln_saving_file = r"S_Cerevisiae_protein_oln_name_full_genome.txt" # gene_oln_list_sorted = sorted(gene_oln_list) # with open(oln_saving_file, 'w') as f: # ## f.write("org=S. Cerevisiae ; type=Genomic ; naming='oln' ; source file='Yeast_Protein_Names.txt' ; creation date=%s using ''\n" % current_date) # for oln_name in gene_oln_list_sorted: # f.write("%s\n" % oln_name) # sgd_saving_file = r"S_Cerevisiae_protein_designation_name_full_genome.txt" # gene_sgd_list_sorted = sorted(gene_sgd_list) # with open(sgd_saving_file, 'w') as f: # # f.write("org=S. Cerevisiae ; type=Genomic ; naming='designation' ; source file='Yeast_Protein_Names.txt' ; creation date=%s using ''\n" % current_date) # for sgd_name in gene_sgd_list_sorted: # f.write("%s \n" % sgd_name) ### print("Number of genes found in file = ", gene_counter) return gene_name_list